101 Tips for the Parents of Boys/Girls with Autism

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101 Tips for the Parents of Boys with Autism
101 Tips for the Parents of Girls with Autism


Therapy Logbook

As past of Ken’s ongoing outreach, support, and passion for helping those families and communities affected by Autism, he has put together a comprehensive logbook that you can use to help yourself and others. You can use the spreadsheet to track related medical expenses, record therapies, treatments, and reactions, keep track of personal and professional contacts, and closely track treatment regimens. You may download the logbook using the link below.
Medical Expense Tab: A form to keep track of daily expenses for tax purposes, and just staying organized. Makes April 15th a bit easier!
Administration & Reaction Tab: Record therapies, treatments and activities for your child each day, along with corresponding effects. Great for looking back and seeing what is working and what needs changing.
Contacts Tab: Yes you have a smartphone, but nice to have the information at hand with your expenses, therapies and treatments. Plus you can print off for easy reference and or email the entire book to yourself should you be on travel. You can quickly provide to other caregivers so they know who to contact in an emergency, you get the picture.
Treatment Regime Tab: Keep your current treatments here along with dosage and sources, again easy to share with caregivers should you travel or be away part of the day.

Ken Siri, author, advocate, and entrepreneur, is the single father of a 16-year-old boy with autism in New York City. Ken spent 15 years on Wall Street as a healthcare analyst and is the Founder and Chairman of Consilium Global Research, a Wall Street advisory firm that helps under-followed companies achieve recognition in the investment community. The author of Cutting-Edge Therapies for Autism (now in its fourth edition) and Tips for the Parents of Boys with Autism, Ken blogs for Psychology Today and is a passionate voice within the autism community speaking at autism related conferences and has been interviewed on local and nationally syndicated radio, print, and television. Ken is a board member of the Atlas Foundation for Autism and the National Autism Association NY Metro Chapter where he serves as Chair of the Programming Committee. He is also the subject of the documentary film Big Daddy Autism, currently in production.

Get his new books on Amazon:
101 Tips for the Parents of Boys with Autism
101 Tips for the Parents of Girls with Autism

Facebook: Cutting-Edge Therapies for Autism
Psychology Today Blog: Ken Siri
Film: Big Daddy Autism